Empowering Businesses… Fostering Growth

Najah Business Solutions (Nabuso) is a company led by seasoned professionals with decades of experience in various domains of Human Capital Management. We come with a vision to offer organized HCM consulting services to help organizations address their Human Capital needs by leveraging the know how and experience built over these years. We are dedicated to partnering with our clients in their trajectory to sustainability and success.

In a pan-gulf operation, the company delivers tailor-made solutions for business enterprises to help achieve its development programs and growth ambitions.

In today’s dynamic business environment, it works with the senior management to adopt state-of-the-art technologies to streamline and augment the HCM processes, group dynamics and inter-departmental communication. Najah Business Solutions (Nabuso) supports organisations to attract and recruit best talents with relevant background to fit into their work culture, helps nurture the human capital with effective training & development programs, and work with the senior management to enhance all-round performance to attain desired results. Such holistic views of the HR’s role in the company gives our client a clear competitive edge. We are a client focused organization. We listen to our clients, respect their culture, and propose solutions to high professional standards. We know that straitjacket solutions rarely deliver!

Why Najah

What We Believe

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